Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Alpha Chi offers $500 grants for undergrad research

Waldorf's College's Alpha Chi Honor Society is offering two $500 grants for undergraduate research.

One of the grants is available to an Alpha Chi member and the other is open to all students.

The grants can be used for lab materials, library materials, research-related travel, travel to present student work at a conference, workshop or other undergraduate research-related expenses. The expenses can be incurred anytime from now until August 2011o. The expenses could be related to a senior thesis, Honors Inquirere thesis, class project or other plan for conducting research.

"Any student who is conducting a significant research project should consider applying for this year’s Alpha Chi grants," said Suzanne Falck-Yi, associate professor of English and club advisor. "It’s a great way to find that extra money that might be needed to purchase books or journals, lab materials or other supplies, or to attend a conference to learn more about the project’s topic or to present the project at a gathering of other scholars."

Applications will be accepted through Nov. 23 and will be judged by Alpha Chi officers.

Students who are interested in applying should e-mail Falck-Yi at falckyis@waldorf.edu with a research statement including:

• A description of the project;
• The name of the project;
• The name of the faculty advisor(s);
• An overview of the projected time span for the research; and
• A proposed list of expenses.

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