Monday, November 22, 2010

Student Life honored as Department of the Month

Waldorf College President Joe Manjone (left) presents Student Life Department staffers with the Department of the Month trophy. Staff members are (back row, from left) Jason Ramaker, Anna Moklestad, September Bickmore, Katie Mullaly and Andrew Saeger; and (front row, from left) Momo Wolapaye and Zach Van Cleave. Missing are Jim Amelsburg, Amy Scott, Mary Mathiasen and Kelly Youngblood.

The Waldorf College Student Life Department is the winner of the Department of the Month award for the month of November.

Each month, the President's Council accepts nominations for the award, which honors department workers for their stellar work. The inaugural award went to the Institutional Technologies Department in October. Department workers are nominated by their peers.

"Student Life was selected because of the many new activities that were successfully conducted by the Student Life staff, and because of the number of sick and injured students that were cared for by the nurses office, which is part of Student Life," President Joe Manjone said.

The Student Life Department received the traveling trophy and were treated to lunch with Manjone.

Jason Ramaker, dean of students who supervises the large department, recently took the time to reflect on winning the award and discuss the work his staffers do at Waldorf College.

Question: What was your reaction upon learning you had won the award? What does it mean to you and your staff?

Answer: I am very excited for the Student Life staff. Like many other offices on campus, it has been (a) nonstop ride since early August. There has been a lot of change with new people in the department, so it has been a real transition semester for our unit. There has also been a lot of adjustments that we are all getting used to with the increased number of students (such as) having more halls open, more international students, more students attending events, and more students with health, recreation and counseling needs.

Q: As dean of students, describe all of the areas you oversee. How does the structure work?
A: I oversee the following areas, which are mostly run by one-person departments except for Residence Life:
                -Security/Crisis Response
                -Intramurals Recreation
                -Student Activities/Orientation
                -Health Services
                -Counseling Services
                -International Student Coordination
                -Residence Life
                -Campus Ministry

The Student Life staff is a very mutually supportive group who are close, collaborative and crossed trained -- some in each others' areas. We meet every other week as a staff, and then I will meet individually with each staff member throughout the semester. I think it’s fair to say that we are driven by student success and a very student-centered team.

Q: Who are your employees and what are their job titles in Student Life?
A:Anna Moklestad, Student Life administrative coordinator
Jim Amelsberg, director of counseling
Mary Mathiasen, director of health services
Zach Van Cleave, director of intramurals and campus recreation
Amy Scott, director of Student Activities/Orientation
Momo Wolapaye, director of residence life
Kelly Youngblood, coordinator of campus ministry
Katie Mullaly, area coordinator of Johnson-London Hall and Timberland apartments/coordinator of First Year Experience
Andrew Saeger, area coordinator of Rassmusson and Ormseth halls/Campus Hearing Board specialist
Barry Bendickson, contracted security director for Winnebago Security
September Bickmore, area coordinator of Breen and Tanner halls/international student, Campus Information Center coordinator

Q: Describe the role of the Student Life Department at Waldorf College. What makes Waldorf unique?
A: Philosophically, our role is to support the mission of the college and help students achieve their full potential, develop passionate lifelong learners and prepare students for leadership and service in society. I would also say we have a huge role in the development of values as part of a student’s intellectual growth during their time here at Waldorf.
In general, our office is responsible for the general management of a comprehensive student life program that includes student activities, residence life, health services, counseling, multicultural programs, campus safety, crisis response, judicial affairs, campus information center, alcohol and drug education, spirituality and ministry, and student leadership through clubs and organizations. In sum, we actively support student engagement in the life of the campus community through the development of programs and services.

Q: Your department has so much to do with how students experience life on campus. That has to be rewarding for you and your staff. How do you do it?
A: We interact with students on the frontline every day, which makes our jobs very exciting. We play a lot of roles in the students life such as “parent,” mentor, teacher, coach, custodian, cop, counselor, friend, adviser, judicial hearing officer, energizer, etc. No day is the same, and we all have a lot of variety in what we do, which makes it so much fun. Our challenge is balancing the reactive kinds of situations with planning services and programs as we look ahead. I think my staff would say that watching students grow, mature and develop over their four years here as successful students is the most satisfying part of the job ...  knowing we were part of their life and learning experience while at Waldorf College.

Q: How many students work in Student Life?
A: We have 20 resident assistants (RAs), four assistant hall directors (AHDs), eight intramural/recreation officials, four members who are paid by SWAT (Social Warrior Activities Team), 14 orientation leaders, nine Campus Information Center desk workers, six mailroom workers, two Student Life workers, two summer RAs and four Student Senate officers. Seventy-three total, all paid. No unpaid workers.

Q: How long have you been at Waldorf and where did you work previously?
A: I am starting my fifth year at WC. Previously I was the director of residence life at Viterbo University in LaCrosse, Wis. (8 years). Before that I worked at Carthage College (Kenosha, Wis.) as the associate dean of students.

Q: The traveling trophy is quite the award. (The Institutional Technologies Department created a cape for the warrior.) I guess you get to decorate it in some way?
A: We had a lot of fun discussing what we would do to the traveling accolade! We decided the perfect touch was to add a Warrior Helmet to the top with a little bedazzle! A lot of work went into fitting the helmet and attaching the gems. It’s all about the details! 

Q: I understand you were treated to lunch. Where did you go?
A: We had lunch with Dr. Joe in the dining hall. It was a lot of fun and a great excuse to get the entire staff together at one large table. I felt like I was with family at Thanksgiving dinner. Thanks, Dr. Joe!

Lastly, we in Student Life really appreciate the recognition. There are a lot of deserving offices and we feel lucky to have won for this month.

Student Life has a really diverse and fun staff. We do our best to be a visible presence on campus and to be strong advocates for students as a student centered team in principle and action. Our goal is to focus on how Student Life programs and activities support institutional goals related to retention. We continue to adjust and understand the issues and opportunities that arise on our changing and highly residential campus.

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